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الخميس، 6 ديسمبر 2012

Is neuropathy psychosomatic or a mental illness?


There is no one test that will reveal all Peripheral Neuropathies. With the emphasis on the objective for legal purposes in medicine, this can pose a serious problem for the neuropathy patient and the doctor. The symptoms may not be revealed in objective testing until damage is done to the nerves.

The nerve conduct tests, the EMG, the skin biopsy, spinal tap, blood work and other tests may give a trained neurologist clues to what may be occurring with your peripheral nervous system. A great Neurologist Dr. Menkes stated some years ago, “The neuropathy patient’s subjective complaints must be taken at face value, as this often is the only clue to the neuropathy early in the course of its development. Mutual respect between patient and doctor is demanded when caring for the neuropathy patient.” Unfortunately, such respect faces a medical system that demands objective evidence for testing, payment of insurance and proof of disability.

In the course of getting help with your neuropathy and dealing with a nightmare of symptoms, loss of purpose, loss of job, loss of meaning, changing relationships with family and friends, you may find yourself desperately in the need of help. Please do not even hesitate to ask for help from a trained Psychologist. They will help you find your way through the maze of emotions that you and/or your family are experiencing.

For those who may at times think life is not worth living with neuropathy, I am reminded of what Dr. Berman in his book (see resources tab) states, “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem!” The temporary problem is often the loss of purpose, loss or change in relationships and loss of meaning for the neuropathy patient. If you discovered purpose, meaningful relationships and meaning in your life once, however difficult it may seem, you can rediscover them again. Do not hesitate to ask for help, it is there for you

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