Importance of calcium
In childhood body uses calcium to build strong bones to be completed by the end of adolescence. Thereafter, the calcium content bone less gradually with age, especially in women.
If there is no calcium in the food from an early age the child is exposed to the weakness and osteoporosis, when he grows up.
Also, if the baby did not get an adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D (required for calcium absorption) is susceptible to bone Blaine Rickets, which causes curvature of the legs, poor growth, and in some cases, muscle pain and weakness.
Calcium plays an important role in muscle contraction. Therefore, if the blood calcium level decreased as a result of lack of calcium intake in the diet of the child, the body begins to pull calcium from the bones become weak and begin to problem osteomalacia.
And mothers should know that the beverages that contain caffeine, soda and hinder the body's absorption of calcium must be careful not to overdo it.
The amount of calcium that must be obtained by the child depending on age. The mother must know the amount of calcium needed by the child at every stage of his life so that you provide for children through calcium-rich foods to help build strong bones.
The child at the age of 1-3 years: needs to 500 mg of calcium per day.
The child at the age of 4-8 years: needs to 800 mg of calcium per day.
The child at the age of 9-18 in: needs to 1300 mg of calcium per day.
And all children should have access to an adequate amount of vitamin D also is 400 units per day of vitamin D 400 IU of vitamin D. Examples of foods rich in vitamin D: vitamin D-fortified foods, fish, and egg yolks.
Calcium-rich food sources
We will review together the most important food sources of calcium and the amount of calcium in each of them.
Since milk and dairy products are rich sources of calcium more attention should be milk for the child eat.
Your child and calcium
Child less than a year: is breastfeeding or infant formula to feed the main source of where the child can not be given milk at this age for fear of the sensitivity of breast-milk Vtkon natural or industrial enough for the child at this age. The child needs starting from the second month of age to vitamin containing vitamin D prophylaxis of calcium deficiency.
Child 1-2 years: after the child reaches his first start in dealing with whole milk to be a good source of calcium in addition to fat in it may be necessary for its growth and development of the brain has.
Child greater than 2 years: most of the children in this age is appropriate for them a little milk or skim.
Usually the amount of calcium in milk did not differ between full-fat milk or low-fat or nonfat. And try eating children 2-8 years cups of milk per day (473 ml). And children older than 9 years are advised to take 3 cups of milk per day (710 ml).
Children and lactose intolerance lactose intoleranceContains milk and dairy products, sugar lactose and lactose which is digested by lactase enzyme lactase in the intestine. There are some children have a deficiency in this enzyme does not digest the sugar lactose is a good starting with the child cramping and diarrhea after eating milk or dairy products.
The solution here is not to abstain from milk and dairy products, but there are some dairy products that contain lactose by a few or completely free from lactose. There is also a lactase drops of lactase drops that can be added to dairy products are digested without any problems, and are also found in pill form, can be addressed by the child.
And dairy products that contain a small amount of lactose cheddar cheese, and some types of yogurt.
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